Combined fifth and sixth periodic reports submitted by Morocco under article 18 of the Convention, due in 2014 (CEDAW)
Resource type: Treaty body reports
Treaty report category: CEDAW
Thematic areas: Women's and girls' rights
Countries: Morocco
Document language: English
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Combined fifth and sixth periodic reports submitted by Morocco under article 18 of the Convention, due in 2014 (CEDAW)

February 2020

This report summarizes measures taken by the Kingdom of Morocco between 2008 and 2018 in implementation of the Convention and consistent with paragraph 9 of the Concluding Observations. It provides responses to the recommendations and concerns expressed by the Committee when it reviewed the third and fourth periodic reports of Morocco in 2008.

Pursuant to the Committee’s recommendations, this report addresses key issues related to public policies, legislative reforms and Government programs in the areas of justice, health, education, employment, political participation, the conditions of immigrants and refugees, integrating a gender approach, and combating violence against women.