Consideration of the combined second, third, fourth and fifth periodic reports submitted by Libya under article 18 of the Convention (CEDAW)
Resource type: Treaty body reports
Treaty report category: CEDAW
Thematic areas: Women's and girls' rights
Countries: Libya
Document language: English
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Consideration of the combined second, third, fourth and fifth periodic reports submitted by Libya under article 18 of the Convention (CEDAW)

December 2008

The combined reports elucidate the legal measures adopted in Libya. In the light of the progress achieved by women, the report consists of two parts:

  • Part I deals briefly with the geographic and population features of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, in addition to the organizational structure of the people’s authority, the administrative divisions and the legal framework for the implementation of CEDAW.
  • Part II deals with the extent of correspondence between the articles of CEDAW and the laws in force in Libya.
  • Annexes and attachments, including statistics, laws and resolutions are related to Part I.