Consideration of combined third and fourth periodic reports submitted by Algeria under article 18 of the CEDAW convention
Resource type: Treaty body reports
Treaty report category: CEDAW
Thematic areas: Women's and girls' rights
Countries: Algeria
Document language: English
Goal 5: Gender equality
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Consideration of combined third and fourth periodic reports submitted by Algeria under article 18 of the CEDAW convention

March 2010

This document includes concluding observations from Algeria’s combined third and fourth periodic reports, which were presented to the Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).

It is subdivided into two main parts: 

  • Part I, entitled “General information and replies to the Committee’s concerns and recommendations”, outlines Algeria’s general political structure and reviews the legal framework within which human rights are promoted and protected. Part I also contains the Government’s replies to the observations and comments formulated by Committee members when the second periodic report was submitted in January 2005;
  • Part II contains information on substantive provisions of the Convention in respect of which there have been changes.