Beijing +15 Reports
The fifteenth anniversary of the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action was marked in a commemorative meeting during the fifty-fourth session of the Committee on Women which took place in New York from 1 to 12 March 2010 and brought together government officials and representatives of civil society, the media and the private sector to assess what was achieved since the Beijing Conference in 1995, share experiences and good practices and discuss priority actions to deal with persistent obstacles and new challenges.
Findings of the Arab report on the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action (Beijing +15) were presented by ESCWA’s Executive Secretary at the Fifty-fourth Session of the Commission on Women (CSW54) that took place in New York in March 2010, during the High-level Panel entitled “Regional Perspectives in Progress Achieved and Remaining Gaps and Challenges in the Implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action”. A side event was also organized during CSW54 to present the work of ESCWA Centre for Women in promoting gender equality and women empowerment and the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action.
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