Beijing+25 Reports
The regional review for the Arab region feeds into the global review on the implementation of the BPFA after twenty-five years of its adoption that took place during the sixty-fourth session of the Commission on the Status of Women held in March 2020. The outcome of the sixty-fourth session was presented to the General Assembly in September 2020 through a high-level meeting to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary and accelerate the realization of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls.
In order to facilitate the conduct of comprehensive and systematic national reviews, UN Women and the United Nations Regional Commissions have developed a common Guidance Note for Comprehensive National-Level Reviews. Member States were invited to review the national-level implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action, covering the period 1995 to 2019, and submit their national review reports to the regional commission and UN Women by 1 May 2019.
To enhance the transfer of knowledge and skills and the participation of all actors, ESCWA, UN-Women ROAS, LAS, and AWO worked collaboratively to execute several activities with the aim of supporting the Arab countries in their national review processes of Beijing+25, leading to the preparation of the Beijing+25 Review Report for the Arab Region.
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