Knowledge materials

Goal 5: Gender equality
Self-paced training courses

Gender statistics (in Arabic only)

Self-paced training courses

Gender statistics (in Arabic only)

This course aims to enhance the capacities of users and producers of statistics in general and, more specifically, gender statistics. It will offer tr...

Goal 10: Reduced inequality
Self-paced training courses

Counter trafficking in humanitarian settings

Self-paced training courses

Counter trafficking in humanitarian settings

Humanitarian crises may exacerbate pre-existing trafficking trends and give rise to new ones. This course will help participants understand the United...

Goal 1: No poverty Goal 2: Zero hunger Goal 3: Good health and well-being Goal 4: Quality education Goal 5: Gender equality Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure Goal 10: Reduced inequality Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production Goal 13: Climate action Goal 14: Life below water Goal 15: Life on land Goal 16: Peace and justice strong institutions Goal 17: Partnerships to achieve the goal
Self-paced training courses

Mainstreaming the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Self-paced training courses

Mainstreaming the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

This course provides in-depth and wide-ranging guidance on how to mainstream the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development into all national strategies ...

Goal 5: Gender equality Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth Goal 10: Reduced inequality
Self-paced training courses

Migration and Gender

Self-paced training courses

Migration and Gender

This course considers the gender dimensions of rural migration. As men and women experience migration differently, to reduce vulnerability and empower...

Goal 5: Gender equality
Self-paced training courses

Mainstreaming Gender in Voluntary National Reviews

Self-paced training courses

Mainstreaming Gender in Voluntary National Reviews

This course is based on the guidelines for Mainstreaming Gender Equality in Voluntary National Reviews, which was developed by ESCWA in partnersh...

Goal 1: No poverty Goal 2: Zero hunger Goal 3: Good health and well-being Goal 4: Quality education Goal 5: Gender equality Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure Goal 10: Reduced inequality Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production Goal 13: Climate action Goal 14: Life below water Goal 15: Life on land Goal 16: Peace and justice strong institutions Goal 17: Partnerships to achieve the goal
Self-paced training courses

Foundational Primer on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Self-paced training courses

Foundational Primer on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) primer aims to establish a common base of understanding and approach for the United Nations system in supporti...